



Adélaide Thomas

ISG 2004


Sales Director

USA – New York, NY


  • Can you present the company in which you work?

Aurélie Bidermann moved from Paris to NY in 1999 with a degree in Art History and began her career at Sotheby's Impressionist then Contemporary Art Department. After studying gemology at Antwerp HRD, she traveled to India and fell in love with the country, the culture and the people. As a tribute, she created a line of precious lucky charms: the brand was born. Today the brand is sold at some of the most sophisticated stores all over the world (Dover Street Market in London, Luisa Via Roma in Florence, Jeffrey and Barney's in New York,, Abahouse in Tokyo...). Aurélie is still featured in A-list international magazines (W Magazine, Women's Wear Daily, French and US Vogue, Elle, In Style, The New York Times...) and her collections have grown focused on an organic approach to jewels, with swan feathers or Ginko leaves dipped in gold and worn as earrings or her now famous gold dipped lace cuff.

  • Why did you choose to live in New York ?

I had the opportunity to move to NY with the first company I worked for and I immediately said yes !

I couldn't resist living a new adventure. I spent 6 months in Madrid with ISG and it was the start of new experiences. NY was not a dream but it was obvious that this city had a lot to give.  When you are a young dynamic professional, there is so much to learn and to do here. It's now been more than 7 years and I am glad I made the move.

I keep so many good memories at ISG, especially my year abroad. It went way too fast...

  • Can you give three tips for young ISG?

Work, learn, share

  • An advice specifically for female graduates?

Interesting question! Ladies, be creative, don't do things by the book.

  • An advice specifically for young people who want to work abroad ?

Don't be afraid to start something new, it will be a good experience no matter what happen. There is so much to learn, and you will be surprised to see what you can accomplish. You are young and motivated, everything is possible, go for it. Don't be scared and stay humble, open the doors.




Cesmi – ISG 1994



USA – New York, NY


Questions related to professional activity

  •  Can you present the company in which you work?

AGORAEXPAT is a French brokerage company based in Paris with offices in New York whose specificity is to propose design and distribute health insurance solutions for expatriates.

AgoraExpat though a rigorous selection among insurers helps international expatriates around the world to find the right health insurance.

Our work focuses on two areas:

ü  The development of group medical insurance for multinational companies, SMEs and NGOs whose wish is to better protect their expatriate staff and to propose them tailored solutions.

ü  Medical coverage for individual customers residing outside their country of origin.

To exercise our business worldwide, we rely on the expertise of prestigious partners such as Axa, MSH International, Swiss Life, Van Breda International ... to provide our customers with the highest standards of quality in terms of coverage and medical management.

  •  Can you tell us about your occupation (job) in a few sentences?

I am the President and partner of AGORAEXPAT.

  • Why did you choose to live abroad? And more specifically in this country?

Since I graduated ISG in 1994 I have only spent one year working in France.

I first started to live In Japan for 4 years right after graduating. I then created my own company in wine and spirits import.

In 1997 I came back to France and worked one year for AXA.

In 1998 I came to work here in the US for a French company specialized in assets management and real estate investments for French expatriate.

I then created my own company in 2012.

I choose to live abroad and especially in the US because of the numerous opportunities you have to develop your network and your business without all the restrictive conditions you might have to face in France for instance.

It was a way to live my “American dream” and for me there’s something that makes the US what it was when I arrived and what it is still now: the land of opportunities.

If you work hard enough everyone has its chance to success.

Questions related to the years at ISG

  • What memories do you keep at ISG?

I keep wonderful memories especially those I kept from my last year spent abroad in US and Asia.

  • What do you think that ISG has brought you in retrospect?

It has allowed me to open my mind to other cultures, countries and people.

Questions related to the ISG network

  • Have you kept in touch with former classmates?

Yes and thanks to internet and all the social media I could get back in touch with some people I haven’t been able to see in 20 years.

Some of my former classmates are still among my best friends.

  • Do you occasionally meet with ISG? In what context?

Yes with my former classmates who stayed in France and who sometimes come in NY and visit me when they’re travelling.

I also participate regularly to the ISG alumni meetings in NY.

  • Do you work with ISG?

Not really so far.

Questions for ISG students and young graduates

  • Can you give three tips for young ISG?

1 – Keep your eyes open

2 – Keep your ears open

3 – Keep your mind open

  • An advice specifically for female graduates?

I remember when I was studying in ISG that women were always harder workers than men.

Use this advantage to go wherever you want to go.

  • An advice specifically for young people who want to work abroad, in the industry ... in the company ...

Take your chance. If you want to work abroad try it. Even if you fail or have some disappointments there is nothing worse than having regrets.


Questions more personal

  • Do you have a passion outside of your job? Can you show it?

One of my passion is cooking. I could show it to you if I ever decide to invite you for diner!

  • How do you “recharge your batteries”?

Traveling or around my family.

  • Are you pursuing a dream?

How to connect with you (optional)

ISG Alumni:

LinkedIn: Eric THOBY

Facebook: Eric THOBY


Personal (website, email, tel.):






Jérôme MONNOT – ISG 1995

Directeur Supply Chain chez Becton Dickinson depuis 12 ans

(5 postes exercés sur 3 continents différents) 

Quelles ont été les principales étapes de votre parcours ? En quoi vos études à l’ISG vous ont-elles aidées ?

J’ai intégré l’ISG de 1992 à 1995. J’ai effectué mon stage de dernière année en tant que Responsable d’un portefeuille de clients chez un répartiteur pharmaceutique. Ce poste m’a permis de découvrir la Supply Chain, fonction clef de cette société.

Particulièrement attiré par cette fonction et notamment par la diversité de ses activités et son dynamisme, je décide  alors de faire un Master en Supply Chain Management à l’ESC de Bordeaux.

A la sortie du master, je suis recruté par Cap Gemini, en tant que Consultant Supply Chain. C’est ma première expérience internationale. Je travaille notamment en Irlande. Cette première approche du métier a été très intense et enrichissante.

A l’issu de ce poste, je rentre chez BD (Becton, Dickinson & Company), entreprise dans laquelle je travaille depuis 1999.

C’est une multinationale spécialisée dans les dispositifs médicaux en relation avec l’industrie pharmaceutique, les hôpitaux, … Nous développons, fabriquons et commercialisons des fournitures et du matériel pour le secteur médical.

Ma carrière à l’international n’a pas débuté tout de suite puisque j’ai tout d’abord travaillé 5 ans au siège de BD à Grenoble. C’est à ce moment-là que j’ai pu développer mes compétences en management et en communication.

En 2005, BD me propose un poste à l’étranger. Je pars alors m’installer au Mexique pendant 4 ans. L’intégration dans un pays étranger n’est pas facile. Le fait de quitter ses racines et d’emmener sa famille vivre à l’autre bout du monde n’est pas un pari gagné d’avance.

En 2008, le siège mondial de la société basée dans le New Jersey à deux pas de New York me propose un poste de Directeur Supply Chain pour la Region Nord Americaine.

Ma formation à l’ISG m’a permis d’acquérir les bases du business et la relation client essentielles au métier de la Supply Chain.  De plus, mon stage de fin d’année m’a permis de m’ouvrir l’esprit sur de nouvelles perspectives professionnelles.

  •  Est-ce-que vous voyagez souvent ?

Je voyage très fréquemment, environ 25 à 30 % de mon temps.

Mes déplacements se font essentiellement aux Etats-Unis et en Europe. En tant que Responsable Supply Chain dans un environnement B2B, la rencontre avec les clients est très importante. En venant à eux, nous pouvons mieux comprendre et cerner leurs besoins. Ce contact est donc nécessaire et doit se faire régulièrement pour une meilleure collaboration.

  •  En quoi consiste votre métier de Supply Chain ?

En dehors des rencontres avec les clients, la fonction Supply Chain s’occupe de toute la logistique.

Chez BD, je gère uniquement les besoins des clients se trouvant sur le territoire américain, de la prévision de la demande à la livraison des produits.

Autrement dit, je suis en charge de définir les besoins de chaque client, d’établir les prévisions de vente, de contacter les usines pour la production, de gérer nos stocks et enfin de veiller à la bonne livraison des produits aux clients.

Globalement, le métier consiste à gérer l’intégralité des flux de marchandises depuis la prise de commande jusqu’à la livraison. Les métiers de la Supply Chain permettent une réelle coordination des flux de l’entreprise.

C’est une fonction qui ouvre de nombreuses portes car elle est multi-domaines.

  •  Quelles compétences et qualités vous semblent essentielles pour exercer votre métier ?

L’interaction avec les clients est très présente dans le contexte dans lequel je travaille.
Dans le B2B, les relations clientèles sont importantes, la qualité de commercial est donc primordiale.

Il faut savoir échanger avec les clients et être à leur écoute pour cerner leurs besoins. Etre organiser pour gérer leur demande et être réactif pour les livrer dans les meilleurs délais.

Les acteurs de la Supply Chain doivent avoir un excellent relationnel et savoir nouer une relation durable avec les clients qu’ils soient externes ou internes. Il est également nécessaire d’avoir des capacités d’anticipation et de négociations afin de toujours satisfaire ses clients et les besoins de l’entreprise.

De plus, de nos jours la mobilité dans les entreprises à dimension internationale est indispensable.

  •  Et dans l’avenir, comment voyez-vous évoluer votre carrière ?

Au début de ma carrière, le fait de partir dans un pays étranger n’était pas un objectif en soit et a parfois été difficile.  Cependant, je suis maintenant habitué à ce mode de vie et je compte rester travailler aux Etats-Unis pour le moment.

Le secteur de la Santé est un domaine extrêmement dynamique et en croissance. Nos clients, l’industrie pharmaceutique, a de nombreux projets et toujours plus de challenges. Aux Etats-Unis comme en Europe et en Asie, il y a de très nombreuses opportunités d’emploi dans cette filière.






Christophe Hanckowiak

96 2CN

Eurocopter (EADS)

Information Management Regional Manager, Americas

 USA Texas Arlington


Questions related to professional activity


  •  Can you present the company in which you work?

Established in 1992, the Franco-German Eurocopter Group is a division of EADS, a world leader in aerospace and defense-related services. The Eurocopter Group employs approximately 20,000 people worldwide.  

There are currently more than 11,300 Eurocopter helicopters in service in 149 countries.  We support over 2,900 customers. 

In 2011, we confirmed our position as the world’s number one helicopter manufacturer with sales of 5.4 billion Euros, orders for 457 new helicopters and a 43 percent market share in the civil and parapublic sectors. Overall, the Group’s helicopters account for 33 percent of the worldwide civil and parapublic fleet.

Eurocopter’s strong international presence is ensured by its subsidiaries and participations in 21 countries.


  •  Can you tell us about your occupation (job) in a few sentences?

I am based near Dallas, TX at our American subsidiaries, even though I work for the French headquarter.

As Information Management Regional Manager for the Americas (I know it's a long title!) I manage all Information Management activities (IS + IT) including core applications, enterprise systems and infrastructure integration between the EC Group IM and all subsidiaries, affiliates and partners in the region.

We have a total of 5 subsidiaries in the Americas (Canada, US, Mexico, Chile and Brazil) including 2 of the 3 largest of the Group with the US and Brazil).  I cover a total of 8 sites with a total staff of 50+ IM employees.

Due to my job and responsibilities I am spending over 50% of my time traveling either in the region or in Europe … but I love it!


  • Why did you choose to live abroad? And more specifically in this country?

I was always attracted by the US … probably because my father was coming here so much for business that I've always wanted to see it and discover it by myself.  … so the choice of the United States was very natural to me.

I had an opportunity to come to the US in 1995 for my ISG internship, which I did in Nashville, TN.  It was a great experience in the heart of the country music world!  During this internship I decided to pursue the adventure and moved to Texas to start a dual master program at the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD).  I graduated in 1998 with an MBA and a MS in Management Information Systems.

After school I had to do my military duties and decided to do a CSNE in the USA for Eurocopter (working at the American Eurocopter subsidiary, which hired my afterwards) … To make a long story short, I now have been in the US for 17 years and I hold a US citizenship.  I married a French woman (met in the US) but both of my children are born in the US.


Questions related to the years at ISG

  • What memories do you keep at ISG?

I have great memories from my years at ISG.  It was a fun time yet very enriching and diversified.

  • What do you think that ISG has brought you in retrospect?

Today most people are specialized in an area but have no clue what is happening next door (meaning in other departments).  By having this broad understanding of how companies function, I was able to quickly show how different my training was and why I was bringing something special to the table.

In my first years at Eurocopter, back in 1998, I became in charge of deploying CRM in the US.  I used that ISG training every single day! 


Questions related to the ISG network

  • Have you kept in touch with former classmates?

Yes.  One of my best friend is actually an alumni and we were going to class together.  I also have contacts with a couple of other people.  I don't see them often though since all are still based in France.

  • Do you occasionally meet with ISG? In what context?

Unfortunately I do not as there are not too many ISG alumnus where I live.  I wish it would be possible though.

  • Do you work with ISG?

I did not have the opportunity so far.


Questions for ISG students and young graduates

  • Can you give three tips for young ISG?

(1) Be passionate … make sure you enjoy what you are doing.  Don't settle just for a job that pays bills!  It will make the next 40 years or so of your life so much easier.

(2) Get competitive … Think of every project as a challenge and set out to do your assignment better than anybody else. Make sure you surprise everyone, including yourself (!), by doing outstanding work, and be proud of it. 

Once you enter the business world, make sure to keep this attitude. 

(3) Be ethical in everything you do … Jack Welch wrote (talking about his 275,000 employees while CEO of GE) "(…) they don't need a policeman, or a judge.  They only need their consciences as they face the mirror each morning".

This is so important in today's companies and it will be, I believe, a key piece of the puzzle that will help you get far!  It has been for me!

… that being said, don't forget to also have fun!


  • An advice specifically for female graduates?

I will leave this one to your next female portrait ;-)

  • An advice specifically for young people who want to work abroad, in the industry ... in the company ...

I know living abroad might seem difficult at times.  You have to get out of your comfort zone! … Do it, it's worth it and the experience on your resume will be gold whether you decide to return to your home country at some point or not.


Questions more personal

  • Do you have a passion outside of your job? Can you show it?

I love doing some home improvement so I like to work on the house or garden.  We lived in Florida for a few years and I remodeled myself a condominium from ground up.  The kitchen was the room I was the proudest of! :-) Today we own a house in Texas and I am starting work on the dining room and Kitchen.

  • How do you “recharge your batteries”?

I enjoying spending a lot of time with the family.  As I said, I am a heavy traveler and it is not easy on the kids or even my wife.  So when I am home we try to do things together.

I also do a lot of sport and try to eat healthy.  It's even important when you spend so much time on airplanes, hotels and restaurants!

  • Are you pursuing a dream?

I am living my dream!  I am very happy where I am at right now … even though I stay focus on where I want to be next!


How to connect with you (optional)






 Stephane Barraque

93 2 CM1

Dior Timepieces Americas


USA / NJ / NY / FL - Miami



Questions related to professional activity


  •  Can you present the company in which you work?

Dior finds its roots in Paris where it was created by Christian Dior in 1946 to immediately become a leading Haute Couture and luxury brand. Dior creates and manufactures very High quality products ranging from Perfume, Handbags, Shoes, Ready to wear, Watches and Jewelry. Dior market positioning is extremely prestigious and our products are distributed via a very limited and selective network of Boutiques and AAA trade doors such as Saks fifth Avenue, Nieman Marcus or Luxury guild jewelers in the US and throughout the world. Creativity, Femininity, Elegance and Craftsmanship are central values of Dior


  •  Can you tell us about your occupation (job) in a few sentences?

As President of Dior Timepieces for the Americas, I oversee the entire North and South American continent as well as the world Duty Free activities. As such, my responsibilities consist of establishing and implementing the strategies for the development of the brand in this region in terms of Image, Distribution network, Sales and After Sales Service in line with the Central Corporate Strategy.


  • Why did you choose to live abroad? And more specifically in this country?

I come from a family of “travelers”. I was born in Senegal, raised in Brazil and lived in France and the US before I started my professional life. It was very natural for me to live abroad. The question now is, where is abroad J.



Questions related to the years at ISG


  • What memories do you keep at ISG?

I have great memories of my years at ISG and my best ones come from my year abroad. It was so enriching to discover so many different cultures thru a scholastic but also professional spectrum. I also enjoyed the “ambiance” of ISG at that time, people with lots of ambition and who really enjoyed life and where pretty open minded.


  • What do you think that ISG has brought you in retrospect?

An entrepreneurial approach to my career and an understanding of the global challenges. How important it is to adapt to different situations, a capacity to deal with ambiguity.



Questions related to the ISG network


  • Have you kept in touch with former classmates?

Very few because I left Paris very quickly


  • Do you occasionally meet with ISG? In what context?

I have a few very good friends that are from ISG and that I met abroad. I keep in touch with some friends from my promo.


  • Do you work with ISG?

Yes, I have a few in my team and in my company.


Questions for ISG students and young graduates


  • Can you give three tips for young ISG?

Travel the world, experiment different areas of business, and do everything you can to build amazing teams.


  • An advice specifically for female graduates?

Never take no for an answer, most of the time you are far better managers than men.


  • An advice specifically for young people who want to work abroad?

Be curious about the country and its people, you are a guest, and as such you must respect other’s traditions and cultures. Try not to always refer to your own country, but integrate the differences.

Be passionate about the products, be service oriented and trust your instincts, but study your market to perfectly master it.


Questions more personal 


  • Do you have a passion outside of your job? Can you show it?

I am a big rugby fan and I used to coach kids under 10 yrs old. I have developed a passion for Politics and have started to be implicated in it. I also have 4 kids which are always challenging me into discovering new things


  • How do you “recharge your batteries”?

I hang out with friends and my family and take long siestas during the week ends


  • Are you pursuing a dream?

I will probably look to start my own business in a few years, while I still have the energy for it.







 Pascale Fortunat


 Passions Productions


Country/State/City: USA / CA / Los Angeles


Questions related to professional activity


  •  Can you present the company in which you work?

Passions Productions is an entertainment company dedicated to the production of international events, festivals and now trans-Atlantic feature-length motion pictures. We have produced large-scale public festivals and fairs, high-end fundraisers, corporate events and trade shows in the US and in Europe.

Over the years, we have developed privileged relationships with movie industry professionals on either side of the Atlantic and are now positioned to complete our transition into an independent trans-media company bridging the Atlantic gap.


  •  Can you tell us about your occupation (job) in a few sentences?

My job is in the way similar to the one of a ‘bandmaster’ except that I am also responsible for all financial aspects of the company. I am responsible for raising money, hiring the right consultants and artists for each project, and making sure all the pieces of the puzzle fit!


  • Why did you choose to live abroad? And more specifically in this country?

I didn’t really choose to live abroad. I just followed my destiny! I loved the US where my father was born. Unexpected encounters, opportunities, and life in general did the rest! I just followed the path…


Questions related to the years at ISG


  • What memories do you keep at ISG?

I keep fun memories of my ISG years. After a year of preparatory class, ISG felt like ‘vacation time!’ I also met great human beings during those years and they became close friends of mine.


  • What do you think that ISG has brought you in retrospect?

A Cartesian mind structure and some discipline combined with a sense of adventure.


Questions related to the ISG network


  • Have you kept in touch with former classmates?

Absolutely. I have kept in touch with several of my classmates.


  • Do you occasionally meet with ISG? In what context?

Yes, each time I am in Paris, we make a point of seeing each other.


  • Do you work with ISG? 

No I don’t.


Questions for ISG students and young graduates


  • Can you give three tips for young ISG?

The following tips work for life in general, not only for young ISG.

- Dare to dream and to follow your dreams.

- Always try to achieve perfection. It is OK if you fail, but at least you should try.

- Follow the river flow. Don’t swim upstream.

And additionally:

- Understand that to be a leader you also have to be able to replace anyone in your team. Even if it means carrying boxes, be ready to do it!


  • An advice specifically for female graduates?

Female graduates should be ready to negotiate more in a workplace environment.


  • An advice specifically for young people who want to work abroad, in the industry ... in the company ...

It becomes more and more difficult to work abroad, specially in the US. Getting a work visa is a real adventure!


After ISG, try to enroll an American university to add a year or two to your curriculum.


When you contact a company asking for an internship, don’t send random letters. Make sure you understand what the company does and whom you send letters to.


Questions more personal 


  • Do you have a passion outside of your job?

Yes I have a passion for cinema.


  • Can you show it?

Hopefully soon on the screen!


  • How do you “recharge your batteries”?

I love to go for hikes. Luckily, the Los Angeles area offers magnificent sites and great hiking trails.


  • Are you pursuing a dream?

My life is a dream and I try to live it to the fullest.


How to connect with you (optional)







Personal (website, email, tel.):